
Monday, July 30, 2007

An Amazing Week in Kauai

The fund raiser was fantastic. We sold out the Church of Pacific. Sueann Pinner performed on the first half, and I was featured on the second half. Brother Dennis played bongos with me, my wonderful Hawaiin friend, Donna did a hula, and a gospel singer named Jorge brought the house down! We had fun and made money too!
The following day the music camp began, and it was the biggest one so far. We had 30 kids signed up, but some of them were taking 2 or 3 classes. The most popular were: Vocal workshop, Tahitian drums,and keyboard. Dennis took a video, and it will be turned into a DVD to use for promo for the camp. We almost have our 501 C3, so this year the N. Shore School of Music can start grant-writing and fund raising. It's really exciting.
I extended my trip an extra 4 days, so I could have some down time with friends here, lunches, dinners, swimming etc. I decided not to go paddling, just because there's possible staff infections in the river, but besides that, all is good. Will be back in N. Calif. on Thurs, Aug. 3, and in the hospital Fri. for chemo #4. Aloha for now.Carmen

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Back to the Islands

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Aloha Kakou (Hi everyone!)
Today my daughter Kelly and grandson Dylan and I are flying to Kauai. The fund raiser concert will be on Sun. July 22 at Church of Pacific, 7:00 pm. My brother Dennis will be there to do sound, play bongo's and hopefully move my harp for me...I'm ready to perform...after 2 gruelling months of hospitals, chemo, et al....time for some fun and swimming in the Ocean, and then back to Calif. on July 29 to do #4 of 6 chemo treatments.
I want to thank everyone who has sent me a contribution to my cancer fund. When I return in August, I will get all my finances straightened out with a beneficiary handling the account in case I'm disabled, and that account will pay the medical bills, plus research down the road for those suffering from cancer. You will also receive a small gift from me, and be on my
EML (EternalMailinglist) so we can stay in touch forever. Mahalo, and A HUI HO.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The GLass is Half Full

Today, Fri the 13th was my third chemo treatment. The CT scan results are in,comparing them to the last PET CT of 6/21/07 and here is the status of my current health:

Clinical History:
right pleural malignant effusion. distant history of fallopian tube cancer. Possible metastatic disease to chest or possible primary lung cancer.

CHEST: there has been substantial interval decrease in size of the right pleural effusion. Previously seen right pleural drain has been removed. The left lung appears clear. There is no mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy. There is a small amount of pleural fluid in the right lung base, and there are also several foci of pleural nodularity seen at the right lung base, smaller than on the prior study. There has been interval decrease in the amount of interlobular septal thickening seen previously at the right upper lobe, which could represent edema or potentially lymphangiectatic spread of tumour. The irregular mass-like lesion at the right upper lobe/right middle lobe has decreased in size and now appears more atelectatic-like, with residual volume loss.

ABDOMEN: In the abdomen, there is peritoneal metastitic disease at the dome of the liver, underneath the diaphragm, without significant change since the prior study. the kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, and gallbladder are unremarkable. There has been what appears to be lymph node dissection at aortocval lymph node stations, as evidenced by surgical clips.

"Cancer does not occupy my mind.
It is seized with God's perfect peace.
Cancer has no place in my heart.
It is filled with God's awesome love.
Cancer cannot touch my soul
It is saved by God's amazing grace,
I am free-of-cancer.
by Lynn EIB. "When God and Cancer Meet".

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Back in Tehachapi.

Aloha all Bloggers,
Well, Kelly and I made the big drive from Mountain View to Tehacapi on Fri. Kelly drives her truck to Quincy's once every 2 weeks to bring me to her house....what a gal.
Today was the first day I was able to swim in 2 months, since the chest tube was that it's out, it's "party,party". Speaking of "party", brother Dennis may come up this week to enjoy the 4th of July festivities....we have a 4th of July connection since childhood....just ask him about it.