
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Gin Rummy

My very good friend, Sally, came to visit me today. We had a Gin Rummy marathon. She brought me some brand new cards and it's keeping me sane. I had a lucky streak today and won 4 out of 5 games....Feels good to still be able to win a few.
Looks like I may be checking out of Stanford tomorrow and into a nursing home in Las Gatos for a few days. Will know early a.m what's happening....all depends on the infection.
Thank you everyone for the wonderful cards,chocolates, prayers,flowers, stuffed animals, and love you are sending my way. As soon as I get my new address, I will have it posted! Blessings to all.


At 1:23 PM, Blogger jec said...

Hey Carmen --

So glad you could welcome a visitor !

Leaving shortly for an appointment in Kahalu`u -- will be beaming you good vibes as I skirt the length of beautiful Kane`ohe Bay !

aloha no,

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Carmen Dragon said...

Joan, She's not just an ordinary vistory....Sally's beyond fear.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Aloha Carmen,
I just tried to call you to see if we could "chat" but no answer. It is always special to hear your voice but I sure do understand how tiring it can be when a lot of people call. So here I am blogging! How great that you had a good friend to share some fun hours with. I like playing card games, too. I used to play canasta with my mom and I miss being able to do that.
Are you able to visit with your grandchildren much?
I don't know if you remember or not Carmen, from when you were here last, but my grandchildren are living here on Kauai and it is such a joy and a blessing!! Having our son and his wife here with their family just enriches our family gatherings all the more. I remember you sharing with me what a JOY it was to you to be with the grandchildren and now I know. Living near them has allowed me to see what I was missing. They were so far away in L.A.
I am going to take some time to catch up on what your blog pages have said so that I don't ask you to comment on things you have already dealt with. Write again when you can. I always enjoy our conversations, even if they are infrequent these days!!

Lucas is doing well. He will compete in special olympics in two weeks and this time it will be in track and field. He loves to be with his friends and have fun doing his best! It is mixed blessings having his nephews here now, as they are the center of attention and not Lucas. He has for so long been the "top dog". It is good for him, however. He is still playing the piano!
I will return later, Carmen. I love you and am praying for you. Carolyn

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Carmen Dragon said...

Carolyn, I have a new room and #: Call 650 498-3851. I may be leaving tomorrow, but I'd love to talk to you.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Hi Carm...How fun to play cards all day!! That is fantastic. Sounds like you are feeling pretty good. I hope each day you feel stronger and better. Yes, let us "School Girls" know where you will be and be sure to give us the address. Love and prayers to you......Love you, Bonnie


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