
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Surgery Scheduled

My surgery will be on Sunday, March 28 (the day my father passed away). I'll never forget the date, because it was the day before my son's 12th bday and it was the saddest bday dinner I have ever attended. This surgery will be good because they will remove the tumor and I will feel a lot more comfortable. I've been having a lot of lower back pain from it pressing against my pelvis for awhile now. I am still in room F-321-B if anyone wants to send a card. I'll be here at least a week.
Happy Easter.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Love you Buhn.....

At 11:21 PM, Blogger sylvia said...

Hi Carmen, our love and thoughts are with you; we hope you are resting comfortably post surgery.
aloha, Sylvia and Peter

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Pam said...

How hard to have something scheduled and then hurry up and wait. Sigh. So sorry Carmen, but since I'm writing Monday morning, I hope it's now a done deal. Can't wait to hear.
Well, I sang in the Twin Lakes Choir for Palm Sunday and it was so much fun! They had brass instruments and it was spine-tingling to sing with all that joyful music.
Saw Greg Buie and Linda called me this weekend to talk about colleges for Serena. They rave about you. :)
A bunch of our relatives are coming from Hawaii and Washington & will be at Taco night tonight. Daniella is driving here to see all the cousins fm Washington this week so it will be a Full week.
I'm going to attempt a visit on Tuesday to you, so keep me updated if you get moved.
Miss you. Love you! Pam


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