Possible Change of Plans
Not doing well today. Have not been able to hold any food down for 24 hours, and haven't eliminated for 4 days. We're hoping it's not another obstruction, so am waiting for my doctor to call back from Stanford. I may have to go to ER until I get back on track.....all is in God's control
Love you Buhn....xoxo
Stay strong....the docs will take care of you and get you back to feeling better. hugs xoxo Bonnie
Sending you love and lots of positive energy, Carmen...
you're firmly in mind, Carm -- so much aloha for you. jec
Kath and I are looking forward to visiting you soon....so take care.
Sending lots of xox
We are all thinking of you Carm..hang in there..
Love xoxo Lynda
hi Carmen,
I am so sorry today is not a good day. I am praying God gives you comfort, healing and peace. I love you.
Who is 57643?
Thank you for all your thoughtful comments. Tonight was a better night!
So glad you had an easier time, Carmen.
Kailua just had a pre-dawn shower, so the tiny greenhouse frogs are chirping out under the plumerias & gardenias in the front yard. Roosters & geckos are the only other outdoor musicians at this hr.
Holding you in my thoughts...
much love, jec
Just talked to Carmen and she's feeling much better! She thinks she will be able to go home tomorrow! Lots of love Carmen!
wonderful news ! so glad home is just around the corner for you !!
the shama thrush is awake now -- full of song !
hava very good day, Carmen !!
aloha no, jec
It's Tues. am, and I made it through another night...My intestines are finally doing their job and back on track, and the Xrays came back fine, without any signs of a new obstruction (my big fear right now). So hopefully, my doctor will release me tomorrow, Wed. I'm fasting for another 24 hours because they want to keep everything clear for awhile. It's amazing I've only lost about 10 lbs. from March 18 till now....fasting about 90% of that time! Guess it proves that exercise really helps to burn those calories.
Hi Buhn,So good to hear that your plumbing is working again; what a relief! Thinking about you and sending my love. Hugs, Vicki
Hi Carm,
Good news that you are "back on track"...got really anxious with this last bout. Had feathery rain here in Woodland Hills-now all is fresh and green. Smells of fresh cut grass and spring flowers.
Looking forward to you getting back to your nest!
xoxo Lynda
Hey Carmie:) Glad there was no obstruction! I hope you get home tomorrow. Just click your heels and say....."There's no place like home"!!!!! That will get you home:)
Love you honey!
My heart goes out to you
sending the energy of aloha
Hi Carmen! Hope you are doing better today. Kaua`i loves you and misses you...you are in our prayers daily. Love and Hugs in Christ, Lori Dill
Hi Carmen,
My thoughts and prayers for you are flowing like the breezes on a crisp Spring day in Malibu, refreshing, invigorating, soothing, healing, energizing, caressing. Hope you are able to imagine it all covering you with God's canopy of loving kindness.
Love you, Robin (Grandma Birdie) :-)
Hi Carm,
No obstruction. Great news. Stay positive. Everyone is pulling for you. Love, Toni
We're still with you Carmen. Hang in. Thanks for all the updates too. We hope you continue to feel better. Glad the "Pooper" is back in business.
Love, Steve & Linda
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