Carmen in Tehachapi

Hi bloggers,
Well, I've been here on a gorgeous 20 acre ranch for 4 days, and it's been very peaceful, healing, and spiritual. I am surrounded by daughter is a horse trainer and I get to watch her teach her students outside my window in her jumping arena which is right in her backyard! My grandson, Dylan, who is 13 has been juicing for me every day: carrotts, pineapples, and all kinds of combinations of vegetable juices. It gives me energy, and it's one of the few things that compliments the chemo. Whenever I eat any junk at all, such as a cookie, I can taste ALL the chemicals in it, and it's not attractive food anymore.
Today one of my best friends, Kris Larronde is coming up. We are staying in a hotel tonight and having some down time. Kelly planned a very large BBQ for me over the weekend, and my Cousin Randy, wife Doris, and his Mom Virgina are all coming over to party.
Life is good. If anyone is ever out by Bakersfield, you should take a little trip over the mountains into Bear Valley and visit this peaceful little town of Tehacapi.
Aloha to all!
Hi Carmen,
It is so wonderful that you have had the time to relax in a peaceful atmosphere. How beautiful it sounds. Thank you for keeping everyone updated. It sounds like you are feeling quite well. Take care.....thinking of you always.
Much love and prayers.
Love, Bonnie
Thinking of you!
Cris Williams
aloha friend, mahalo for telling me how to get onto your blogspot. after 5 yrs. still not too quick on the computer. glad kris is coming up. aloha to her. need to call her tho no # for her.will be uplifting seeing friends and family. so nice to be w/ the grandkids and getting some fresh air. good news your chemo treatment is working. it will be great to see you back on island and yes a swim for sure. miss your laugh and kind eyes, can you have a massage when you come home? love and light. we are all sending healing prayers to you. aloha kay
Hi Kay,
Welcome to the bloggers network! You made it, yay!
Chris Larrondes # is: 310-968-5293.
My address is 573 Leona Lane, Mountain View, CA 94040. Tomorrow I get an MRI for my brain, to see if that's where the cancer came from, Fri, another "blast" of chemo, and then out of it for awhile. I feel real good this week. Can't wait to snorkel, swim, have massages, paddle, and be back on my little playground of Kauai. this place is too fast for a little guppie like me. I miss you and love your healing eyes too!
Hello Carm,
You sound well, even though you've been undergoing such trials. God tests us in odd ways, that's for sure...we can't know in advance why, but in retrospect, sometimes we get "aha's!".
Stay strong, you're an inspiration for many of us.
Love, Patti
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